Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Some of our Marae poems

9RTd wrote some poetry about their experience at school marae, or another marae with which they are familiar.

I see well-entwined patterns as I enter the Marae, I hear voices chattering away like seagulls. I touch the proficiently carved Maui and Hene Nui o Te po. I taste nothing but the sweet glorious air. I raise my hand to feel the giant carved fish scales.

- Edward Baah

I see history
I see strength
I see images floating in my head
Thoughts come here thoughts come there
How united we were then
Here we are so far now
How we grow from roots to trees
How we improved from then to now
How inspired I felt then

how we turned the right way round
-Latisha Puti

I see Taonga.
I see people.
I see Maori patterns.
I see shoes.
I see my teacher.

I hear giggling.
I hear talking.
I hear the wind.
I hear stomping.
I hear growling.

I taste the nice cold air.
I taste the food I ate before coming into class.
I taste nothing else.

I touch the Maori Artworks.
I touch the floor.
I touch the wall.
I touch my skin.
I touch my bestfriends hand.
I touch the beds.
It felt so soft and protective.

-Faaaoane Ulipa

I see the dexterous carving broadly expressing a well mannered Maori legend. I hear the laughter of humorous students and whispers that calmfully bristles pass my ears.I touch the well-intertwined flax creating vivid images of Maori history and heritage.I taste the freshly scented breezy air as it enters my mouth.

-Dion Tuitukau

I see taonga
I see a body
I see a marae
I hear talking
I hear thinking
I hear people
I touched a carving of a scaled fish
I touched Hine nui o te po the great women of night she is the goddess of death.
Hine nui o te po Lady of the dawn.
The taste in my mouth was like nerves with cold air my saliva was everywhere in my mouth.
I smell feet and the cold air whooshing through my noise.

Once I entered I smelt glory and cold air whooshing through my mouth.
I saw.

-Ite Taufa

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