This book or movie is about two different groups, (Greasers and Socs) who are enemies and hate each other. The greaser are poorer than the socs and also average people. One day a boy named Johnny who is a greaser kills a Socs boy, they go to a church by the instructions of their friend dally to avoid going to jail. Unfortunately one day the church goes on fire and there were some kids left inside as they go to save them, Johnny gets badly injured and sadly at the end he dies.
I love both the movie and the book, because its a good story and also based on a true story. In my opinion I don’t think Johnny and Dally should’ve died, but hey, its base on a true tale, nobody can change that.
My favorite part of the book or movie was just before Johnny died, when he told Ponyboy to stay gold and never get into trouble, but it was pretty sad when he died. I also liked the rumble between the two groups, I liked it because it’s entertaining to watch people fight and also because the greasers won.- Raihan

“I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.”
“Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.”
SPEAK WITH CONVICTION. I found The Outsiders to be a very good movie being its time and graphics and the book was ok but I find the movie to be much better. The story had a real life vibe attached to it which made me like it. It was fun watching and reading this with the class the rating is what I think of this fine movie, book and story it has a lot of good potential it is informative and a good book for teens. It relates to us because it is like a memory that we have expirenced that we just don't remeber. -Phoenix

The Outsiders is about two rival groups of teens the lower ranks (outsider) Greasers and the smart, wealthy and popular Socials. The books involves fighting, arguing, murder and a strong bond between boys. Even though I didn't read much of the book the movie was amazing and emotional. The movie hooks you in as soon as you see the good looking guys. Throughout the movie you can see how close all the boys are especially Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas. “Stay gold ponyboy, stay gold” the last sentence Johnny said before dieing. There are strong characters such like Sodapop who never really shows his feelings towards his brothers until the end when he expresses his emotions. I recommend this book to teens who are interested in reading about violence. -Mary
Author: S.E Hinton
Title: The Outsiders
Genre: Action, Drama, Historical
Two Greasers named Johnny and Ponyboy hides from the police. Johnny the night before stabbed one the their rival gang member. They also save these kids from the burning church they hid in. Johnny dies afterwards and Dally gets shot by the police for theft. The Greasers have a rumble with the Socs at 7:00pm. The Greasers win and the three brothers live happily after they agree to don’t argue and fight anymore.
This book would appeal to teenagers, especially girls. They love a bit of boys in the book, especially boys with nice hair.
I like the movie, but not the book. The book is long and boring, while the movie hooks in the audiences and bring tension. I like a bit of action in the books and movie so, any book with action in it is the book for me. - Lisiate

The Outsiders is about two gangs that go by the names of the Socs and the Greasers. This is an amazing book and movie. This story holds good action, compassion and brotherly love.The Greasers are boys who have good love for each other and they are also really protective towards each other. - Khylie
The book outsiders is about two gangs (Greasers and Socs) in a small unknown town somewhere in America. They fight over territory or just because they are different. After the Socs go too far something happens that will change some of the greasers and Soc’s lives forever. I liked the book because it had a different setting to many other books, each character had a different personality my favorite quote was “I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.” Also I liked a poem one of a character recites.
"Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down today.
Nothing gold can stay."
Lastly, Greg is a good guy. I disliked that the book is TOO DAMN LONG. Overall I would recommend reading this book.
2 out of 5 bananas - Gustavo
DISCRIMINATION! The Outsiders was a good film bringing words to life. I found the book better than the movie because it had more details and you can just almost imagine an idea of what the characters look like. The theme of this film, discrimination, relates to our society because people judge others by their looks and this was shown in the movie. Discrimination was shown when the socs looked down on the greasers because of the way they look and the environment they live in. “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold” was my favourite quotation from the book/film because it was said to Ponyboy from Johnny while he was dying. I guess what Johnny was trying to let Ponyboy know is to stay good and not change because of his surroundings. - Simaima