Monday, February 16, 2015

Values with 9RTd

We were talking about values today, with the focus of "What we value is who we are." We know the Tamaki College values-Respect, Integrity, Success and Responsibilty. One group said that "A value is something that you hold and treasure for generations and is something that is very useful in life."

We thought about the following questions:
  • Where do you think we get our values? 
  • What is one example of a value your family feels is very important?
  • Does anyone have an example of a religious value you hold and have been taught?
  • Which of your values come from your cultural beliefs?
  • What is a value that is widely held in this country and that may be less important in other countries?
  • Can you think of a value someone else has that you do not share? What is it?
We shared our values and made a word cloud.

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